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November 1st: Torsten Jacobi, CEO of Creative Weblogging, joins host Anita Campbell. Sponsored by Six Disciplines. Show details.
Thursday, December 18, 2003
Effective Marketing Approaches Vary for Minority Groups
Businesses should use differing media and approaches to reach targeted minority audiences in marketing efforts according to Forrester Research Inc. Advertising-media technology and message-effectiveness trends continue to develop differently for different ethnic and racial groups. A mail survey of 54,817 U.S. households has identified key trends in technology adoption, media consumption, and receptiveness to marketing among Asians, Blacks, English-speaking Hispanics, and Whites.

"Marketers should take note. Understanding the differences among each group is critical to developing effective marketing campaigns," said Jed Kolko, principal analyst at Forrester. "Our survey results show that there is more to reaching minorities than understanding demographic differences. Income, for instance, does not necessarily determine what technology someone invests in and what influences them to purchase it."

When it comes to device ownership, 15% of Blacks say that they are likely to buy a desktop computer in the next year, compared with 7% of Whites, 11% of Asians, and 11% of Hispanics. Hispanics are more likely to purchase entertainment-based devices like MP3 players, video game consoles, and digital video camcorders, even though they earn $16,100 less than Whites.

Online access remains unbalanced because of income and education differences among races. Forty-two percent of Blacks and 57% of Hispanics are online, compared with 67% of Whites and 79% of Asians.

Asians, Blacks, and Hispanics are more likely to rate personalization and ad relevance as important features of online content sites. Blacks and Hispanics find advertising more entertaining and trustworthy than others do and are more likely to watch TV commercials – 54% of Blacks and 42% of Hispanics say they watch TV ads, compared with only 32% of Whites. Blacks are twice as likely as Hispanics and Whites to purchase a product because the company sponsors family or educational programming.

More information on reaching minorities.
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