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Past life: CEO, corporate executive, tech entrepreneur, retailer, general counsel, marketer, HR ... (more)
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November 1st: Torsten Jacobi, CEO of Creative Weblogging, joins host Anita Campbell. Sponsored by Six Disciplines. Show details.
Sunday, April 04, 2004
PowerBlog Review: TJ's Technology, Venture Capital and Entrepreneurship

Editor's note: This is the ninth in our popular weekly series of PowerBlog Reviews of other weblogs...

TJ's Weblog is all about "Technology, Venture Capital and Entrepreneurship." This weblog is an excellent source of insights into what it is like to be an entrepreneur in Europe. It is also a great venue for learning about some of the latest and greatest information technology products and trends.

The blog is published by Torsten Jacobi ("TJ"), from Hamburg, Germany. Even though he is German, Torsten blogs in English.

I think it's fair to call Torsten a serial entrepreneur, based on his bio here. In addition to being an entrepreneur, he also now invests in new ventures.

That experience as both a technology entrepreneur and an investor makes for very insightful observations.

One of the things I like best about this blog is the incredibly broad range of information technology developments it covers. You read his blog and think "Where does he find all this stuff?"

For instance, it was through TJ's weblog that I first learned about del.icio.us, a new online bookmarking service than I am experimenting with right now. I initially dismissed del.icio.us. I already had a way of saving my favorite sites. But Torsten's description of it made me take a second look. Especially when he said, "Now I get a decent amount of my noteworthy bookmarks everyday from del.icio.us. Indeed, it is del.icio.us. :)"

That kind of first hand, savvy insight is one reason weblogs are so valuable. Through weblogs such as TJ's, you can get information that is hard to find elsewhere. You might learn about IT applications that are so cutting edge or niche focused, that mainstream media doesn't cover them. And you get savvy first hand insights.

Also, as an American, I find it difficult to get much information about entrepreneurship in Europe from the mainstream media. Certainly I don't find much written in English. TJ's weblog provides excellent insights. With the globalization trend touching us all, it's important to be aware of what is happening in important commerce centers of Europe. That's especially true of Germany, which has one of the world's largest economies.

TJ's weblog has been on the web since June 2003.

The Power: The Power of TJ's weblog is in its unique insights. It examines issues from the perspective of both an entrepreneur and an investor, and gives you the benefit of both. The Power also lies in the global view it imparts to the blogosphere. And there is Power in this blog's coverage of new and unique technologies, that you can't find out much about elsewhere.

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